On this Thursday I bring you a website tha- *falls over* ... looks like something gave me a little TRIP there! Physical web humor doing anything for you? Anyway, today's website is called.... TRIP! It's a cyberpunk, future RP so you should all watch The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis! (I really had no point or joke there... I just like that movie.)
The AD for Trip is well written and while I'm not much of a cyberpunk RPer, the mention of Cyborgs (Is the term "Mechanically Enhanced" the politically correct term?) is something that caught my eye quickly. It has the standard "wealthy above the clouds people oblivious to those underneath" and for some reason I keep thinking about the Jetsons... Meet George Jetson! Jane, his wife! Daugh-ter Judy! The Anarchist Elroy! (Hey! I needed someone to cater to the ground people!) Okay then, lets grab our phasers set them to kill and then- *trips again* ... Gah!
First Impression:
Robocop's wife is the mascot! The layout for me looks very classic, much like the ones I used to make in HTML when I used Angelfire way back in the day, it's a nice touch to add the URL thing on the page and as well in the title coding. Depending on how the NASSA24 thing and the Chatterbox is executed it may look like there is too much information and things on the initial screen but overall it looks like and "tech-y".
The Content:
The About page is an expansion on the AD giving you more reason to why the Rebellion exists, why they are losing people and all that important plot stuff.
The World page tells you about the world, of course! The technology, how things work in the city, what kind of interesting people and different ethnic races. Overall this page is fine, it has great information but, I've always liked having topics distinguishable from the actual text. So when "Internet; text text" comes up perhaps the "Internet", portion could be white. However, I can understand wanting the site to have a monochrome feel.
(Word Error: 2nd sentence in the NASSA section, "The use over hover cars" , should be "of" not "over" or something to that nature.)
The Internet page expands on the new age internet, on how all of that works with the story and all the fun stuff like that like the 3 methods of getting online. I just have the same comment from before on aesthetics but not a big deal.
Corporations page explains more on the relations and doings of each corporation, I would have liked to play a Ghost personally but I'm sad that you can't. Overall no problems here.
The Resistance page I have no problems with, it talks about the leader of the group and their doings.
(Grammar Error: 2nd paragraph, "keeps the motivated", "the" should be "them")
Rules page, I have 000 problems with. (That's a Trip site reference if you didn't get that...)
The Application:
Before the application there are a few more things to read, RP SAMPLE REQUIRED. No problems in this area.
There are little arrow thingies next to all the forums! No real point here, I just like them... Not too many forums but each forum covers a large expansive area so this is fine. The descriptions for each forum is also very nice. Also, hooray for hotlinks! (Also there is a nifty image for the user levels in the forum, which is as I said, nifty.)
The member listing for the site is rather plain, just the avatar and a few bits of information, but just because it is plain doesn't mean it's bad. I don't really mind this, since all needed information is here.
Member profiles are well organized and generally filled out well. There are some here and there that haven't been filled out completely however.
From what I read on the forums I categorize the RP level of this site to be Intermediate to High Intermediate.
Rating: 9.5 out of 10 Points.
The attention to detail and just it's overall presence is the reason for the rating. Coupled with the fact that this is one of the few cyberpunk RP's out there this one will surely attract many. While the plot itself is rather expected I don't think it takes away from experience because of the lack of said sites so the pool isn't saturated with these plot lines. The only real major complaint I have is the index page being overstuffed with information, the news and chatterbox and the site news and quote and et cetera. And of course, NOT BEING ABLE TO BE A GHOST! O_O ... kidding! =P
This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
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