This next site I'm reviewing is an Equestrian RP, not horse, but you a person are joining an equestrian riding school. Not only a equestrian riding school but THE school the best of the best school where those from around the world only dream of attending.
The AD gives you a bit of background on what the site is and how the actually school came to be and the mixing of a real world event with a bit of fiction to blur the lines. Now all you equestrians out there grab your gear, saddle up and lets gallop onto the review!
First Impression:
Lots of Affiliates... I have no major problems with the layout, however the "welcome" text with the large blank spot surrounding it looks a bit odd. Again this isn't really major.
The Public Area:
The Front page is more or less the rewriting of the AD aside from the cold cut section dividers which is fine.
The Rules page is where I have my first nitpick, I've never heard of it referred to as "Godmocking" but rather Godmoding. Other than that small thing the rules are well written out and define everything fine.
(Spelling/Grammar Errors: "...have a copyright on the picture if it doesn't will will asume that the image is copyright free.", "asume" should be "assume" and there's a grammar in that same sentence also signified in italics. Very last sentence on the rules page, "delected" should be "deleted".)
Positions page is more or less a list of the ranks, student and teacher positions and the like. However a few nitpicks here, striking out whole things of text isn't the best way to indicate something is taken. I still want to be able to read what they do without too much difficulty. Also, I would have liked more creativity on the house names. Since it's a horse RP why not just do horse names, I'm sure there are horse personalities that match up for each of the descriptions.
(Spelling/Grammar Errors: "striked" is not a word, stricken, or struck out would be the past tense you are looking for. "English Pleasure Instuctor" also in that same area "english" should be captalized. "incharge" is two words, this appears multiple times in the page. The Eventing Instructor has "inchange" instead of "in charge", "This is to based off of USDF regulations to some degree, another country's regulations is fine but, those basic gists, not the Eventing dressage regulations." this whole sentence needs to be reworded and "gists" is not a word, "gist" however is. "endurance" is spelled wrong in the endurance instructor area.)
The Application:
The standard application, I would have liked to see simple drop down menus for the houses, rank and gender area.
The Private Area:
Again, I have no problem wit the layout because it is generally the same as the public one. There is however the addition of the cbox and word count script in the bottom left.
(Spelling Error: "Calendar" is spelled wrong in the link.)
Teacher's Handbook, under the heads of houses rules I don't understand why rule number 8 is there. If this is the teachers handbook then it should be implied that you'd have to be a teacher to apply for said position. Otherwise the page is fine.
Student's Handbook, under the horse rules you explain that a student and instructor is allowed to have only 2 horses. Since this is the student handbook the information for instructors has no use here in my opinion.
(Grammar Error: Student Handbook, selecting a horse, first sentence, "a equestrian" should be "an equestrian")
The House pages are all generally listings of the members and a short description of the characteristics of the house.
The Horses is where the site starts to shine, there is quite a bit of detail on which kind of horses there are and pictures of each of them with a short description. I personally only read through a few pages, but the ones that I read were all organized nicely.
The Shows page is also generally a listing of what is required for each show, I really don't know much about horse shows so I assume all of it is written out correctly. I would liked perhaps better separation between them and perhaps a bit more style involved instead of just the "grocery list" of what is what.
H. Point Shop, or is it the Horse Point Center... one of the things will have to be changed. This page along with the other pages linking off from this page are generally listings or explanations of things. Overall no problems.
Good amount of forums with nice descriptions also there are picture that correspond to the forum you are in which is also nice. I would have liked to see a few things here though, first of all more separation between the OOC and IC areas. I was having a hard time trying to see where one section ended and one began. Also, I'm a fan of hotlinks to each section if you don't use forum separation code. So the other think I would have liked to see is that, hotlinks down to the IC sections and subsequent "to top" links.
As for the posts I also would have liked to see a bit more separation at some points I wasn't sure where the posts ended for some members and it confused me at times when trying to read the forums. Also, the default text size was a bit large for me.
Member profiles and the listing was not available to be seen, so I cannot comment on things in there.
From what I read on the site I categorize the majority roleplaying to be Intermediate. However there are people who can clearly roleplay in the advanced area.
Rating: 7.0 out of 10 Points
While the horses page was very nice everything else didn't seem to have the polish that I was looking for. Lists and lists instead of more in depth writing and explanations, or more aesthetically pleasing pages that could make reading them easier. The Forums also were a rough patch as well, so that should be taken a look at.
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor