Today I'll be reviewing a site called, Caligation Territories. This is a Dark, City RP with a dash of fantasy and gangs for the additional fun. I suppose it would be foolish of me not to include a warning at this point that this site contains MATURE THEMES and is rated for M for MATURE!! (That's Mah-toore! Fancy, eh?)
The AD is a quite an in depth look at the overall plot, but it's very well written and should draw any passersby to at least look at the site and check it out. So overall it accomplishes its goal, so lets go onwards to the review hopefully it will give you a bit more information about joining "The Calt."
P.S. - I'm going to watch the AD like a hawk so I can name the next page, A HAWK! I'll name the page... "Pudding! (An annexed territory of the Kingdom of Jello!)"
First Impression:
GREEN LIKE MON-EH! I have no problems with the layout but there is something that I want to nitpick at, there is no link back to the index page.
The Public Area:
The Front page is essentially the AD, but like I said it's written well so no problems with that.
The Rules page is overall fine and well written, minor nitpick though, I'm not sure how many people know that 2IC means 2nd in Command (at this point) and may just confuse them a bit.
Ranks page is also overall fine, a few things though. In the Head of Department under Police ranks 10/4 positions filled.
(Spelling Error: In the doctors area, "practise" is supposed to be "practice" , "practice" is the noun spelling while the "practise" spelling is used for verbs. I know my UK English...sorta!)
Creatures (Races) page, overall very nicely written but perhaps write a small note under vampires that "blooding" will be explained further down the page.
(Spelling/Grammar Errors: "...they have often lost their skills enough so that they are hunted down." I understand what is being said but is odd sounding to me. Perhaps something like "...their skills have dulled considerably and are hunted down easily.", Lycan in the Creatures - 2nd to last sentence "...request via the admni.", Lycan in the Changing section - "simples" should be "simplest".)
Effigia page, written fine but I would have liked a little more space between each individual point for them.
The City page I also have no problem with each section of the city has its own personality and is generally the case with any rp like it.
(Possible Error: in the North section "northside" might need to be spaced... )
The Gangs page, I like how the gangs have their own font. I'm personally not a fan of bold text and then following is the explanation (Something like this) like in the inductions. I like dashes or colons or something to separate them.
(Spelling/Grammar Errors: Killing Spree "4 or members and 1 or 2 hierarchy keep an eye on the pup as he/she is placed...")
Site History, this page said I didn't have to read it so I didn't... kidding! It's the history of how things happened on the site.
The Application:
You get a nice little pre-application page explaining some of the finer details and then it's on to the generally normal application.

The Private Area:
Layout Change! And of course this site also does it well, pictures at the top and everything you need within initital screen view. Also the drop down menus are NOT activated by hovering but rather CLICKING! Thumbs up from me.
There are more or less 3 private pages in the private area, the Census, the Important People and Gang Relations. These pages are more or less overall fine since they are mainly lists but what I would specifically want to point out is that this is what I believe the private pages should be, aside from the admin listing (On the Important People page), all of these pages really only are worth anything to those who are members.
Good amount of forums with nice descriptions. Also they have hotlinks to each individual section and the return to top hotlinks. Generally all my major normal concerns with forums are dealt with nicely here.
The Member list that Caligation Territories uses is actually quite effective in terms of displaying information for multiple characters. It's organized by gangs however it would have liked better separation or I guess something more aesthetically pleasing than large text.
Member profiles are generally filled out well and are split into 3 parts (not physically though), the OOC section, the Short IC and the Long IC. While the memberlist does a good job of showing the multiple characters the profiles themselves need a bit of work. All the text and information is all together so it's hard to read (Maybe take something out of Andraste's member profile splitting system). Also those who have 3rd characters, the hotlink doesn't work so that's something you might want to look into.
(Side Note: I wasn't aware us Michi-ganders had a specific accent, Shippou/Rachel)
From the posts I read I categorize the roleplaying to be Intermediate to Advanced.
Rating: 8.5 out of 10 Points.
Overall very nice, while "The Calt" isn't exactly my cup of tea, those that like this sort of RP will definetly like the atmosphere and the site in general. The only problem I had was the flooding of information on the user profiles but again overall nice.
This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
Hurrhurr, I got a specific reference in your review. In regards to that, you might find this site fairly interesting?
Oooh. You can talk here without being a member of this stuff. Awesome. Well. First off, thanks for the lovely review. :) And then random stuff I felt like commenting on while reading it - I think Brhi now went and fixed it but possibly the cause of the practice/practise thing is that we've got UK and American spelling scattered around places, 'cause...ya know...consistency's overrated, or something. >.< But she fixed it, I think.
And yeah, you guys (yes? Or Shipp, at least) have adorable accents. They're very cute. You should be proud.
And feel free to join us on our forum of fun!
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