Score Review #1


Today is going to be slightly different, I am NOT reviewing anyone today but the scores I have already given to them. In order to create a somewhat reliable set of ratings I am going through each site once again and giving them a new rating. I won't be adding or removing any comments from existing reviews but the scores may be revised. Any changes are listed below:

Wolves Fly: -0.5 Points
Overall: 2.0/10
Reason: Layout change makes the overall experience worse.

X-Men: School of the Gifted : +2.0 Points
Overall: 7.0/10
Reason: Although as I said I feel the site's execution of X-Men is average it's well explained and well written out. (And Magneto is great...)

Lost Days: -0.2 Points
Overall: 5.5/10
Reason: Balancing.

Naruto: Shattered Pieces : -0.2 Points
Overall: 8.5/10
Reason: Balancing, using as a benchmark for the 8.5 rating (the overall feel).

JACFC : +0.1 Points
Overall: 9.1/10
Reason: I had stated originally that since I am unable to see the private pages I couldn't up the score, however the fact that there ARE private pages is a good foundations to raise the score on faith that it is good. (Albeit seeing the pages would raise the score higher)

These are the only changes at this time.


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