Time to start the work week with a review of this RP: The Wolves of Joukai. For those who haven't caught on already, this is a Wolf RP but more specifically a realistic Wolf RP. And for those who aren't sure what Joukai means I'll tell you that as well! Seeing as "joukai" has multiple meanings depending on kanji I've listed them below (My apologies to those who do not have the Japanese font as this probably will be full of kanji):
常会 - (n) (1) regular meeting; (2) ordinary Diet session
上界 - (n) (1) upper world; heaven; superkingdom; (2) {in math} upper bound
浄界 - (n) sacred ground; the Pure Land
Many obviously would choose "sacred ground" or "heaven" even, but because I find it amusing I'm going with the "ordinary Diet session." (Note: Sarcasm... maybe)
The AD itself is very nicely written out, with images to liven up the AD a bit as well. And of course I like having the contact information for the admins on the bottom of the AD it makes it easier for me to
First Impression (第一印象):
Paw print, Check. Welcome to... Mozilla Firefox, or http://joukai.acornrack.com/ ! The point I'm trying to get across here is that the site has no title code, so that's the first nitpick of the site. The layout is quite nice and is all a very nice image map. Also the image at the top changes depending on which page you are at, I've decided to follow this trend and use my own kanji for this review.
The Public Area (共用部分):
The Front page is the AD's story written again but shorter, I'm not sure if this is intentional or not but the reason I have for it intrigues me. I'll have to ask about this particular reason personally.
The Rules (概則) page, is nicely written out and divided into OOC rules and IC rules but I have a small, nitpick here. In the "In Character Rules", the last rule is to "Have Fun!" This is more of an OOC rule.
The Application (志願書):
While initally at first I thought this was a normal application... the more I looked at the more it actually confused me. First, there are two RP sample to be filled out. Second, in the first sample request... I'm really not sure what I'd write in it even though it says something about appearance and personality. Third, the second sample request they say "quality over quantity" yet in the first one they want "a paragraph or two."

The Private Area (試写):
Layout Change! Subtle though, there is the addition of other general things wolf sites seem to always have (Moon phase, season, etc.) I personally would have liked to see who's online in the initial screen load instead of the lower left. Also, perhaps inserting commas to separate peoples names a bit in the who's online section would be nice. Also maybe have the text links remain the same color after being clicked.
I was only able to see two of the private pages but I'll shall comment on them anyway!
The Map (地図) page is a map! Not really much to say here because it's a drawing of map, a nicely drawn map...
IC Rules (キャラの概則) page, is basically an expansion of the public IC rules in addition to some things that are purely in site things, like claiming territory, fighting, and things of that nature.
Forums (電子掲示板):
Good amount of forums with nice descriptions for each, there are hotlinks to the IC and OOC sections. I expect there to be more divisions when packs have claimed certain areas but there are no links to go "Back to the Top." Again I'll preach my rule- If you have links down, you should have links up.
Other (雑事):
The Member List (会員名簿) looks neat and admins are identified with colors instead of marks before or after their user rank.
Member profiles (ユーザープロフィール) are filled out quite nicely with their information I would have liked to see perhaps a hotlink to the OOC information since it's sometimes a few scrolls away. It's nice to see that quite a few members have pictures of themselves on the site especially the admins, gives a sense of knowing them more and a better sense of community. (And I think they're rather cute, so yay for... actually I'm not sure whom this is better for.)
(Side Note to Admins: I'm 21 years old, like taking long walks on the beach while looking at a beautiful sunset, and am ready for a commitment. I'm also an animal rights activist and adore wolves.... This is also an attempt at humor if you didn't catch on.)
Roleplaying (能文):
From what I read on the forums most of the roleplaying on the site can be categorized at Intermediate to Advanced.
Rating (格付け): 8.0 out of 10 Points
Overall I like this particular site, it's a simple wolf roleplay and it seems to work well. While wolf RP's aren't exactly my thing something simple like this might be something I might try in the near future as a change of pace.
This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
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