This Tuesday I, Professor Jello will introduce you to world of Pokèmon! Pokèmon are wonderful creatures that can become great friends in our journey to becoming-- Alright, that's enough of that... but seriously the next site is a Pokèmon site named, Creations Between Worlds!
*cue pokemon theme music!*
Alright, everyone done picking their name and their rivals? Well too bad! I've already left Pallet Town for greener pastures! The AD for this site basically says "just look and be amaz-ed!" and of course all of us that love Pokèmon will check it out. So no waste and no worries about writing a long AD, this approach works well with a specific audience like this. Well maybe Gary will be nice enough to give you a ride to the next few towns because I've already made it to Saffron City, and don't forget your extra underwear!
First Impression:
Ba-by Lu-gi-a in the deep blue sea, swims so wild and he swims so free! The layout for the site is very nice and organized but somewhat like Trip it is nostalgic because I've used such layouts many moons ago. No real problems with the layout aside from obvious flaw, there's no link to this review site or my AD! Pfft, Negative -100 points! Just kidding....a little bit.... >_> Seriously though, the whole right column is dedicated to updated threads.. which I think is a bit much.
The Content:
The Ranks page obviously holds the ranks and is nicely organized with nice picture references. No problems here.
The Rules page, plus paragraph! The rules portion is divided into different sections no major problems except that I really dislike the use of profanity in the public area. Especially with a family friendly franchise such as Pokèmon language should be watched.
Rare Stuff, clearly outlines all the rare items and Pokèmon as well as how to obtain them, so there should be no disputes. I personally would have loved to grab 6 Eevee's and be an "Eevee Gym Leader."
The FAQ page, before I get to the comments I would like to suggest a Cbox. Har har, I am an advocate of the more interactive communication you get with a Cbox or Chatango. I have no real problems with this section. (Note: This was intended as a joke... I know it says in the FAQ there is no chance. So... har har.)
The User Manual should be look over 4 or 5 times because IT IS IMPORTANT! I just thought I'd help out a bit by pointing out that knowing that manual like you wrote it would be beneficial for you. No problems here.
The Team Rocket page, nicely explains everything. No problems here, I did notice that the RedLetter inc wasn't there when I was around... I think..
The Gyms Page, These people sure have high leveled Pokèmon! A beginning trainer is going to need like one year before attempting this league. That would be my first problem, the levels are too high. Second, I'm not the Forsythia Gym Leader. Third, while having the image description show levels, it's nowhere said that if you hover the levels will be shown. Also, it wouldn't be that hard to write "Lv. 20" or whatnot would it?
The Application:
Aside from some odd... things they ask you in the application it's your standard fare, however the part about the Dark and Water Gym Leaders needing applicants isn't current. I'm sure I saw a Dark team in the lineup. ROLEPLAY SAMPLE REQUIRED
There aren't too many forums however the long descriptions decieve you! The forums are large expanses of areas though so it isn't too much of a problem. With the long descriptions it's difficult to navigate, so perhaps a forum splitting script would be good for this.
Member list is plain and shows a little bit of info on them. (Their age?) The profiles however are the opposite, divided into 3 sections and generally are filled out very nicely.
From what I read on the forums I categorize the RP level of this site to be Intermediate to High Intermediate.
Rating: 9.4 out of 10 Points.
Overall the site is very good, I have little problems with the site and most of the ones I do have are space issues. Obviously the detail and little pictures to help explain everything or just adding color to the site give it the polish it needs to get the high points. The leveling system is functional but it seems to be it could use more tweaking.
This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
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