On this Tuesday I bring you this site under the spotlight and under the eyes of many people, Hollywood! We've all had our fun I suppose making fun of these celebrities and wishing we would have the life and glamor and beauty of certain celebs. Well you still can't do that, BUT, you can continue to dream the dream in this RP site.
The AD for this site is rather... well I'll just say it plainly, I'm not a fan. It's all centered so it makes it difficult to read and it's double spaced so it just takes up way too much room in my opinion. But otherwise it fine, it's written so people will be interested to join and gives a good description of how the idea of the site is. But anyway, call your private jet and tell your publicist to meet us at the start of this review!
First Impression:
I want it all! I want it, want it, want it, my name in lights in Carnegie Hall, I want it all! (Finally worked a High School Musical reference into one of these!) Overall the layout looks nice and clean, perhaps I'd like it centered on the screen and a slightly wider text area, but that isn't a big thing.
The Public Area:
The front page has the AD blurb reposted and again, I have no problems with this sort of thing.
The About page has a further longer explanation of what was already said, I don't really think this sort of thing needs to be said twice. This page also contains the ranks for the site, no big problems here though.
In the Rules page the rules are separated into categories and this is why I would have liked a larger text area, the rules look all squished together and it's a little hard to read but overall no major problems.
The Application:
The site has a quite small application (probably to accommodate the small text box!) Just name, rank, RP sample and the "Word." I would have maybe have liked to see a drop down menu for the ranks just for aesthetic purposes, but not a big deal.

The Private Area:
Time for a Layout Extension! Basically it just extends downward and gets rid of the text area problem of the public area. I was unable to read the private pages, so I cannot comment on anything else at this point. I was sad I was unable to learn about more of the admins, I'm always on the lookout for potential internet girlfriends. (Am I kidding? You decide! AcornRack Votes 2009!)
Slight note: Maybe it's me but I get annoyed when the links aren't capitalized, so I'm just going to throw that out there also.
Good amount of forums and good descriptions and I like how the forums are styled to match with the rest of the site, so aesthetically it looks very nice. But again, with all these forums it almost begs to have hot links to each individual section, scrolling all the way down is a pain at times so invest in those or a script that breaks up the forum into parts.
The Member list is fine, showing an avatar of the celeb and a little bit of info on there as well, no problems here.
The profiles themselves are nicely organized into sections and are generally filled out, the extra pictures open in a separate window which is fine. So no major problems here either.
From what I read on the forums I categorize the RP level of this site to be Intermediate to Advanced.
Rating: 8.0 out of 10 Points.
This site has a good concept and is looks very nice however I think that the gimmick of being a celebrity/journalist needs to ends at some point and the RP itself needs to take over as the driving point and I myself didn't really see that happening. It's still a good site, however I believe it can improve much more and be one of the bigger RPs out there.
This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
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