Time for another review my subjects, as I'm trying to keep my schedule intact here! Anyway today I'll be reviewing a site called Nocturne, an RP based on the books of P.C. and Kristin Cast (I don't know who P.C. is... but it's on the AD so maybe other people would know) .
I really should catch up on reading because I haven't heard of this series either but it appears to be a school RP with vampyres and such and reminds me of an RP I made a long time ago aside from the whole goddess blessing tattoo...thing.
The AD is a bit hit and miss for me personally, I didn't really care about the Death Note (cue anime joke here) as it wasn't as interesting for me as the points below it. Most importantly the announcement that the site was being reviewed by yours truly. *cough cough* I love being advertised! .... ! .... !
Now lets move onto the review but first, I'll take a potato chip... and eat it! (Jello points if you got that reference!)
First Impression:
I think one of those buildings is trying to tell me something. Overall the layout looks fine, I'm always a fan of things being centered as opposed to things being oriented to one side though.
The Public Area:
The index page has something that I think seems more suited for the AD, like this was a second half to it that was cut out and pasted on the front page.
The Chicago link name is a bit misleading, it's really the story for the site.
The Vampyres page is overall written well and I have no problems with it.
FAQ page is self explanatory.
Rules page is fine as well, short and sweet and I have no problems.
The Application:
Basic application which seems to be all the rage nowadays, but for the ranks perhaps popping up in a new window would be better. (Like how you did the user profiles) RP SAMPLE REQUIRED.
Also, I don't remember reading anywhere about anything about the formers... or whatever. So I'm completely confused here, as you claim no book knowledge is necessary maybe bolding that section about formers would be good.

The Private Area:
Look the time changes with your computer at the top! Oh and there's a layout change also... also a thing of note is the plot related image/letter thing which is always nice to have. Images and thing to support your plot or the site in general. The private area pages have to do with solely IC things which is great. Small note though, since you have a Japanese class I'm going to look into it and slam you if there is wrong information. (As is my duty as a Japanese Lang. and Culture major =P)
First thing I noticed was that the forums are separated with a code! This makes me very excited and I don't have to harp on hotlinks here! Anyway, there's a good amount of forums with nice descriptions.
Member list looks nice, everything is organized nicely with the standard info. Plus each rank has separate backgrounds for your listing. Also it's nice that the profiles pop up into a new window instead of going to a whole new page.
Member profiles are nicely organized and generally filled out nicely. The little music player on the top is also nifty on how it fits in there. Also Jello points for Mute for having the House theme song as her song on there. =)
From what I read on the forums I categorize the roleplaying on this site to be Intermediate to Advanced.
Rating: 7.7 out of 10 Points.
Overall the site is nice, with fun little things here and there for the detail loving person (like me!). And the whole Nyx goddess was nice but maybe this is just a bad side effect of your site being similar to one of my old ones that I'm just not really seeing that initial pull to join. That or it could just be that vampires just aren't my thing... It's a little complicated to explain, the X-factor that I look for in sites.
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
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