I have to say that Thursday keeps creeping on me fast! But anyway it's that time again so today I'm looking at a City RP called Greystone!
So the AD, personally I don't really care much for the first half no amount of description is really going to sway anyone from not joining. So what really matters in my opinion is the second part, being a relatively simple RP. Overall though it's fine City RP's are generally harder to make ADs for anyway though the text is a bit small. But lets move on towards the review!
First Impression:
Reminds me of like a postcard of some sort. Anyway the first thing I noticed was the mass area of negative space. I'd like to see like the first part of the AD maybe posted here on the main page to get rid of aforementioned negative space.
The Public Area:
The Rules page is fine, but maybe space out the rules a bit more to get rid of negative space.
The History page is fine, the story is overall decent and gives a little bit of character to the RP. Perhaps this might be something to built upon in the AD as well.
The Application:
The application so far is the most complicated part of the site, and it's your normal application. ROLEPLAY SAMPLE REQUIRED.

The Private Area:
Layout Chaaange! This private layout gets rid of all the negative space issues and is overall nice. The rest of the pages are unviewable by the guest account so I'll have to move on to the next section.
Good amount of forums and descriptions, however the size of the forums is a bit small so maybe extend the table to maybe 70%. Also the use of hotlinks to the separate sections would be nice to curb navigation time. The text in the topic listing is a bit small though.
Member list gives you an avatar, rank, and a sentence of info. The Member profiles though are much more complex, various pictures and organized well and are generally filled out nicely.
From what I read on the forums I categorize the roleplaying on this site to be Intermediate to Advanced.
Rating: 5.7/10
Generally when I review simple oriented sites like this I tend to try to expand my thought processes a bit more and maybe explain reasons why I want a certain word here for like a paragraph to extend the length of the review a bit. (Sort of like how I'm just rambling on right here!)
With this site however I couldn't really do that just because of the type of RP and what I was able to access. So my apologies for the short review but I can't review what I can't see. With that said, it overall looked fine and I didn't really have any problems with the site in general.
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
I think they deserve more than a 5.7/10. I'm not a member, but I definitely stalk this site (but lack any form of creativity to join any site I like). The layouts are beautiful, they give you good information, and they have to be doing something right for lasting this long. I give them a 9-9.5/10.
I commented on how the layout was nice already, however there's nothing that distinguishes Greystone from the crowd. That is the reason for the "Above Average" rating. Anything that would have gotten it a higher rating was unable to be seen, and what you are allowed to see doesn't even come close to the current 9 scores like Naveluce and JACFC.
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