Today on this Tuesday we're going once again into the depths of the darkness... More vampires, werewolves and slaves, Oh my! Welcome to the world of Macabre, were evil isn't isolated in a defined location but spread through the world taking your Popes!
Since it seems important for the site, perhaps would be a good time to know what macabre means. Yes, it is actually a real world so I'll wait here for you while you go off and search for the definition.
Back yet? Fine, if you're too lazy to do it click this link here: http://tinyurl.com/oqu4hr
(I promise it isn't one of those stupid scare things.)
Alrighty, know what it means now? Good! Lets move on to a short blurb about the AD! The AD is organized well and the concept and story for the site is interesting, that's more or less all I have to say about the AD. So moving on!
First Impression:
Ol' man statue, dat ol' man statue... The colors for the site are fine but already theres a little nitpick I have, more than half the site is on the bottom half of the page. Hopefully the site scales, because if my resolution was smaller the site would need like 5 or 6 complete wheel turns to see everything.
The Content:
The home page has the same info as in the AD, but no problems with that. So moving on.
I would like to point out at this point the navigation system for the site is very confusing. So I'm going to take a few minutes and figure everything out. (Okay, above Cbox = members. Below = generally non-member stuffs)
The History page is fine, it's written well and interesting if you're into the whole religion twisting thing. Onwards to the next section...
The Dark council page is fine, only one small comment... there's a grammar error. "There were too man Dark on Dark fighting..."
The Dark Court page explains how the government is set up between the races and it contains their ideals or positions on slavery, territorial boundaries and how they choose whom are rulers. Perhaps a separate title for the "ideals" section or else it's misleading. In the Devil section there is talk about a threat coming from the motherboard...
The Papacy page is fine, no problems.
The World page is more or less fine, again no problems. Just a small comment, there is comparison between the Americas and Europe but I don't remember Europe's condition really being explained. So I really have no real idea how the dynamic of the world is.
The Humans page is fine, no problems.
The Werewolves page is generally fine, though here I do have a nitpick. Mostly the werewolves shape shifting, thing. Trying to break the mold on werewolves in my opinion doesn't work, ever, especially with shapeshifting. While my definition of werewolf allows for it, (A being suffering from Lycanthropy) saying every werewolf can have abilities outside the Lycanthropy affliction doesn't work for me.
(Grammar Error: Sigmund, the 3nd ...)
The Vampires page is overall fine, vampires having telepathy is new for me but I'm not much of a vampire person so whatever.
(Spelling Error: ... "drawl" to virgins... )
The Devils page is overall fine, coding error in the images section though.
The Halfbreed page, aside from simplifying genetics to a 2 piece puzzle, I have no problems. Generally it seems like Halfbreeds get the short end of the stick... just as a general comment as well.
Fighting Page, I don't quite understand the reason for the asterisked comment, something about apostrophe referring to items or something... Next I was under the impression that generally a new moon is devoid of light considering there is no sun to reflect light off of it. So saying the phrase "light under the new moon" is a bit odd. In the Vampire portion there is no need for the comma after despite, otherwise no problems.
No problems on the Turning page.
Love page is overall fine aside from (again) turning genetics into a 2 piece puzzle.
Misc page, first it's "double edged sword" not double edge sword. Second, the currency system is confusing me. You say "Gold: 100" but 100 what? Is it based off of Tin? (Yes if you read the chart it IS based off of Tin, but as I have little faith in peoples intelligence it might be useful to write it down.)
Ranks page, generally everything is fine except for one thing. All comparisons are made to humans, but it would be beneficial to define what an "average human" can do. For instance you say this rank is 4x as fast as a human is this Usain Bolt fast or Fat Albert fast?
Laws page, grammatical error when listing the punishment for slave thieves. Spelling error in the last sentence of first paragraph, "forfeit." Otherwise the rest is fine.
Research page is fine, except for the lack of information for Important Darks and Angels.
FAQ page is generally fine, number 6 should probably be more like 5b though.
The Rules pages is overall fine, lots of writing but I've come this far so might as well continue. 3lite? It's called leet (1337) speak! (1337 5p34k FTW!) Also, just pointing out the term hentai is a rather exclusive term. "Any pornographic pictures" would be a better phrase. Again listing grammar is incorrect. (A LOCK)
Adoptables is self explanitory.
The Application:
You get a little thing in before the application like a guide of sorts and I have a nitpick about it. In the rules page you say you prefer people to not be prudes yet you say you're one, so that kind of clashes in the overall picture.
The application itself is standard fare, ROLEPLAY SAMPLE REQUIRED!
The forums are split up over 5 areas, 4 under the cities navigation the other in the basic forums link in the basic navigation. Aside from the basic forums link being out of the way everything is fine here. Good amount of forums and descriptions for the cities and quite a bit in the OOC forum area.
Member list is fine, nothing too special here but I'm not really looking for it either.
The Profiles are generally filled out well and *points at Erik Shin's picture* Jaejoong! n_n ... *cough* ... are organized fine. (Hey I know my Tohoshinki/DBSK members!)
An interesting thing is when you log in under your "HUD" you get 4 quicklinks which I assume you can set in your profile, a nice little innovation there.
From what I read on the forums on the site I categorize the roleplaying on this site to be Advanced.
Rating: 8.7 out of 10 Points.
Overall very nice, there is really quite a bit of text to read so if there is a way to shorten it and keep the same quality it would do wonders. The main problem I have is that all these pages extend the page so perhaps if you could expand and shorten the menu with Javascript to avoid having people scroll down so much for certain pages..
This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
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