Greetings on this Tuesday! I hope you all had a great Memorial Day and all that good stuff but lets all settle back down now from the 4-day weekend and get your nose back down and sniffing the scent of a new review! (I tried to get a wolf reference in here, didn't work so well.)
Anyway, the site I'm reviewing today is called Penumbra a wolf RP! The AD for the site gives a decent backstory on why said wolves are on an island and why no human interference is there. Near the end of the AD I saw some things that interested me and I'll be ready to pounce on. (pounce is more of a feline word isn't it? ...FOILED AGAIN!)
Noses to the ground now people and get ready for the hunt, for the review!
Quick shout out to Tess my loyal follower on Twitter, Jell-O Points for you and Penumbra!
First Impression:
147, 148, 149, 150 paces! "X" marks the spot! Layout is nice and I like all the colors, and the random people I talked to on the Cbox were friendly. (Or maybe I'm just that influential that people just want to be nice to me... HAH! We all have a good laugh there?)
The Content:
Live Chatroom - I was in there for a while and no one was using it so, I see no reason to have it there. Plus you have an auto-refreshing Cbox. (Note: This was my mistake I had overlooked what its intended use was!)
Avatar List - No real comment here, I just found it amusing that the artist who will take upon drawing the looks of your wolf is named Vanity.
Inhabitants - Very nice.
Seasons - Overall nice, however if there is any seasonal differences with pups in terms of elemental affinity, (Like winter pups normally bring about fluffy wolves manifesting snowballs or things like that) or if fighting is more difficult in certain seasons for certain elements it's not explained here.
Event Calendar - Just would like to see here some maybe more styling, bold things here and there (or increase font size a smidgen) because there is quite a bit of text.
Element Specific Pages (General) - On the skill trees, for the 3rd tier, all the moves are connected. So from what I understand all the final moves are interconnected even if you chose a different path at the start? If this is so then that's something I have a problem with, it's akin to saying that since I've specialized as a kidney surgeon, brain surgery is just a walk in the park because it's all medical right?
(Side Note: I personally would go for these blessings;
Zephyr: Speed -> Agility -> Teleport -> Invisibility .
Because I'm sneaky like that, and start a renowned wolf pack of super spies!)
Fight System - Overall fine, it's not my favorite type of system but it works.
Abilities Guide - Overall fine, just a small thing to point out here. Under "The Ability Listings" section, first sentence: "If you look to your right, ..."
Rules Page - Split into various sections, overall fine no real problems here.
Packs Pages all look nice, though I don't understand why "PoW" is used for those who are in the pack but are shunned for the Embers. Maybe "court martial" or something would be a better term?
The Application:
Nice and simple here, NO ROLEPLAY SAMPLE REQUIRED!
Good amount of forums and descriptions for each, along with hotlinks! Also I like the whole map thing, much more convenient that a separate page of its own. However, some of the actual posts though the text is a bit too narrow for me. Seems like a newspaper column and uses like 40% of the width given.
Member list is nice showing quite a bit of info in a small space, plus there's the personalized wolf avatar...thing!
Member profiles are organized well and are generally filled out nicely.
From what I read on the forums I categorize the roleplaying on this site to be Intermediate to Advanced.
Rating: 8.0 out of 10 Points
Overall the site looks very nice, and polished. Obviously a great wolf RP but I personally am still looking for the next leap in this genre. Just an overall comment here I did catch some language on the info pages and since the whole site is viewable it should be parental friendly. Such is the burden of having a public site, and having a right wing, church boy reviewing it.
This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
Anyway, the site I'm reviewing today is called Penumbra a wolf RP! The AD for the site gives a decent backstory on why said wolves are on an island and why no human interference is there. Near the end of the AD I saw some things that interested me and I'll be ready to pounce on. (pounce is more of a feline word isn't it? ...FOILED AGAIN!)
Noses to the ground now people and get ready for the hunt, for the review!
Quick shout out to Tess my loyal follower on Twitter, Jell-O Points for you and Penumbra!
First Impression:
147, 148, 149, 150 paces! "X" marks the spot! Layout is nice and I like all the colors, and the random people I talked to on the Cbox were friendly. (Or maybe I'm just that influential that people just want to be nice to me... HAH! We all have a good laugh there?)
The Content:
Avatar List - No real comment here, I just found it amusing that the artist who will take upon drawing the looks of your wolf is named Vanity.
Inhabitants - Very nice.
Seasons - Overall nice, however if there is any seasonal differences with pups in terms of elemental affinity, (Like winter pups normally bring about fluffy wolves manifesting snowballs or things like that) or if fighting is more difficult in certain seasons for certain elements it's not explained here.
Event Calendar - Just would like to see here some maybe more styling, bold things here and there (or increase font size a smidgen) because there is quite a bit of text.
Element Specific Pages (General) - On the skill trees, for the 3rd tier, all the moves are connected. So from what I understand all the final moves are interconnected even if you chose a different path at the start? If this is so then that's something I have a problem with, it's akin to saying that since I've specialized as a kidney surgeon, brain surgery is just a walk in the park because it's all medical right?
(Side Note: I personally would go for these blessings;
Zephyr: Speed -> Agility -> Teleport -> Invisibility .
Because I'm sneaky like that, and start a renowned wolf pack of super spies!)
Fight System - Overall fine, it's not my favorite type of system but it works.
Abilities Guide - Overall fine, just a small thing to point out here. Under "The Ability Listings" section, first sentence: "If you look to your right, ..."
Rules Page - Split into various sections, overall fine no real problems here.
Packs Pages all look nice, though I don't understand why "PoW" is used for those who are in the pack but are shunned for the Embers. Maybe "court martial" or something would be a better term?
The Application:
Nice and simple here, NO ROLEPLAY SAMPLE REQUIRED!
Good amount of forums and descriptions for each, along with hotlinks! Also I like the whole map thing, much more convenient that a separate page of its own. However, some of the actual posts though the text is a bit too narrow for me. Seems like a newspaper column and uses like 40% of the width given.
Member list is nice showing quite a bit of info in a small space, plus there's the personalized wolf avatar...thing!
Member profiles are organized well and are generally filled out nicely.
From what I read on the forums I categorize the roleplaying on this site to be Intermediate to Advanced.
Rating: 8.0 out of 10 Points
Overall the site looks very nice, and polished. Obviously a great wolf RP but I personally am still looking for the next leap in this genre. Just an overall comment here I did catch some language on the info pages and since the whole site is viewable it should be parental friendly. Such is the burden of having a public site, and having a right wing, church boy reviewing it.
This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
Seasons - There is no real purpose of the seasons to date. Let's call it atmosphere.
Elements - The only deviation would be the middle. -shrugs- I guess elemental wolves are a little different than surgeons. XD
Yay you choose Eero's elemental path. He's mine. :3
Abilities Guide.... -hold out hands- I see the issue here.
Embers pack page, XD when the members make their pack they pick their titles.
Any suggestions or ideas are always appreciated. You mentioned you're waiting for a leap for the genre. We might be looking ot make that leap.
Thank yoooou so much for your review :D I am very happy with it! And yes, I see the irony of "Vanity" being the one to offer all her love and helping needs to all xD it's just my favored alias.
I cracked up when I realized I put "right" instead of "left" on the Abilities Guide. Tess pretty much explained everything else :3 thank you lots! If you don't mind I'm going to link this page to the site along with your rating thread.
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