Welcome denizens of the night to the review of this Thursday! The site I will be reviewing (or rather, re-reviewing) is Blood Lust. This is a dark, modern, vampire, lycan RP and with the assortment of random humans in there.
The AD for the site is kind of weird, the colors clash with the AR2 site so it makes it slightly harder to read. The story part of it I didn't really understand so much, how it tied into the site and what it's importance was.
In any case eat your cloves of garlic, arm yourself with a silver sword and press onwards towards the DVR to watch a rerun of The View! (Re-View ... get it? ....)
First Impression:
I think she likes me! No problems with the layout and the colors are fine as they attribute to the blood and dark nature of the site.
The Public Area:
The home page has a little blurb about the setting, no problems here.
The Rules (Laws) page is organized into 3 sections. Overall it's written very nice and I have no problems. And the problems I had before are fixed now so.. yay for them!
The Races page, lots of text and information here and obviously the Vampires and Lycans have more detail because we know what humans are like.... I think. But I really have no problems with anything on this page. If there was anything I'd nitpick at it would be that there really is quite a bit of text to read but since it's all detail, this is not so much of a problem.
The Pravus page has everything and anything you need to know about Pravus, it's districts and things like that. Everything is well written and I have no problems with it.
The Adoptables page is self explanitory.
The Application:
More or less your standard fare, however the red text on red background is difficult to read. ROLEPLAY SAMPLE REQUIRED.

The Private Area:
I'll just copy/paste from the old review since my feelings are the same at this point, I think the image at the top is different but I can't be for certain because I have a bad memory and no pictures!
"The layout is also very nice and everything has its own little place. I have no complaints, all the links are nicely organized and any clutter is taken care of because of the links across the top of the page."Forums:
Good amount of forums and descriptions, use of hotlinks is good for easier navigation. No major problems here.
The Member list page looks nice, each member gets like a little card. This holds the avatar and other bits of info, overall nice.
(Side Note: For all you city RPs out there, if you superimpose an avatar picture to be on top of a "driver's license" I think it would be neat for the members list.)
Member profiles are generally nicely filled out and are organized fine. No problems here.
From what I've read on the forums I categorize the level of this site to be Intermediate to Advanced, leaning more on the Advanced side.
Rating: 8.7 out of 10 Points.
Overall Change: +0.2 Points.
With the new and improved version the points are bumped up slightly for fixing various errors and updating a few things. Overall very nice.
The Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!
Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor
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