Cellar Door [7.0/10]*



UPDATED REVIEW - Feb 05, 2009

The next site on the list is Cellar Door, a RP set in the Afterlife. Also worth noting for the site is that each and every member has a unique ability, emphasis on the unique portion. That's right you alone will have this power to taunt and tease the other members on the site until they're de- ... until they are no longer active!

The AD for the site gives the background story and a simple explanation of a few other things you need to know. While I generally don't go into the realm of nitpicking at AD's, for me the text was a bit small but onwards to the review!

First Impression:
Nice Socks. Overall the layout looks nice the colors meld well and there seem to be nothing out of place. However, when you first go into the site you are presented with something like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book, you click a link, which leads to more links, which leads to pages. Afterwards all the links are nicely put in a collapsible menu on the lower left side, I would have rather seen this type of layout from the start. Another minor thing is that the background doesn't perfectly align when it repeats.

The Public Area:
The Rules Page, I have nothing to really say about this portion except for the lack of the common sense rule of God moding, also a slight comment from me at this point. I read through the powers that some of the people have, and some of them seem very God mode or essentially lends themselves to powerplaying. For example... time, in my opinion should not ever be something a user can control.

Wish One, organized very nicely and details out the races (aside from the perfection one) well. There is a picture corresponding to each race and hotlinks to take you up and down the page.

Wish Two, at the top the text is too small for me. And other than that it's a simple listing, so nothing to really comment on here.

All of the Sects are written out well and with pictures to help with the image for the mind. Overall very nice.

The Application:
More or less the same as the others, noting that history, appearance and personality are not in the application to make application more user (and admin) friendly. I'm still a fan of this approach because after acceptance I find it easier for one to get more involved into a story with a character because you're already in as opposed to might be getting in.

The Private Area:
Layout Change! I generally have no problems with the layout, aside from the minor backround image repeating issue as the public layout.

The private pages on the site are blocked from my view they look to be the same as from the public area though. I do have one small nitpick here! One of the member pages is the FAQ- this seems to me more of a public sort of page but other than that there isn't much I can comment on.

Good amount of forums with very long descriptions for most of the forums. I personally would have liked a little less description on some of them or at least reduce the word count. The forums themselves are divided up into the sects they are in, and given hotlinks (and subsequent 'back to top' links) for ease of navigating.

Cue the broken record, I'll cut this one short this time. Lots of stuff in the forums means lots of scrolling, hotlinks are there to help though.

The person who had sent me a message had indicated they knew of a problem with the default avatars not showing up on the members list. I assume this is from the 2nd section down, if I have time I'll look through the code. The members list is divided up into the sects they are divided in and their personal avatars are shown as well. There are also hotlinks to the different member sects which again helps with the scrolling part.

Members profiles are filled out very nicely, good descriptions and such. Allowance for having multiple pictures which brings up a little window to view them in.

(Small note: MPD Psycho Adoptable ... Ichi, Ni, San, She, Go. "She" should be "Shi")

The roleplaying on this site I catagorize as Intermediate to Advanced. Sometimes it appears the post go on for too long and too many things are happening in a post however in my opinion.

Rating: 7.0 out of 10 Points.

UPDATED REVIEW - Feb 05, 2009

Nice site overall in general though the initial layout is confusing, after a quick run through it is easy to overlook. The few problems I see with the site are that the powers people get borderline the powerplaying line because of what they can do. The line is considerably different or blurred because of the lack of death however it's still there.

Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor


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