Succession [8.0/10]


The next RP on the list is a mutant wolf RP set in a world where humans have died off and left the world to the wolves (literally). The teaser for the site is detailed with the full story of the RP along with a quick rundown of the rules and some other do and do not's.

First Impressions:
The layout lends itself to the mood of the site and the actual main picture at the top of the page. The picture also seems to be a representation of a reformed Pangaea after a drastic climate change and great continental shift.

I have no complaints about the public layout, any point where the opacity might possibly create a harder environment to read the text the staff has offset it by bolding the text or by other means.

The Public Area:
The rules page is very nicely organized in an outline format, with quick links to each particular section. This makes reading the rules at least for me much easier since they're organized per section, not numbered individually.

(Small nitpick on the rules: I've always known where you are essentially invincible as "God Moding" not, "God Modding". Generally not a problem, it's explained so it won't be confusing.)

Minor comment about the Aging rule, it says you may possibly get banned from aging your wolf too fast, while I'm not the expert on wolf roleplays in the least this I think is a bit odd. There is no reason I would see why anyone would age their wolf faster, as the aging system is lenient already.
(I suppose if you want to get past the infant stage perhaps the premature aging is plausible)

The Wolf Guide page is also in the same line of organization as the rules, in an outline format and although text heavy, the nature of the RP more or less calls for it if one wants to have attention to detail.

The Application:
The application itself is more or less the same as any other, allowing the lack of a personality or history so one can fill it out after acceptance. There is however, one little thing that draws my attention. On the application it asks you to describe... you.

I question the staff for putting this in the application. This is the internet, land of lies, deceit and false hopes.

The Private Area:
The layout is the same as the public one, which is always a plus as it doesn't disorient the user or any guests who want to check out the site. The news is at the top of the page in a frame and is rather small for my tastes, however with the relocation of the news page it allows for direct access to the forums as opposed to navigating to another page.

The rest of the pages I am unable to access but all the information needed is in the public area for the application and furthering your wolf character.

There are quite a bit of forums and also separated into Lands and the IC forums are given nice pictures to go along with the descriptions. The problem is generally the same in all forums, there are so many that you have to scroll quite a ways. As opposed to previous pages, the forums aren't given links directly to the sections as in the wolf guide in its sections.

Members Page:
This site sorts the users into packs (or Rogues if they have none) and it looks like those that are actually in a pack have custom avatars.

The member profiles I viewed were filled out rather nicely, and the profile itself has a nice layout. Overall very nice.

The level of roleplaying on the site is intermediate to advanced, leaning towards the advanced side in terms of length. There is no unnecessary fluff in the posts and all posts are done in the 3rd person.

Rating: 8.0 out of 10 Points.

This site overall is very nice, having an interesting storyline to go along with their roleplay. Overall I have no major slights against the site, however for me it lacks a certain aura that would draw people in. Rather this is the sort of site you'd love if you're looking for one of this genre.

This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!

Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor


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