The Introduction


First of all I'd like to say welcome to my little blog, while normally I would create a new Acorn Rack website in which to hold these reviews. It came to my mind that just using a simple blog would be both easier and less time consuming on my part because I don't need to fuss with layout creation.

The main purpose of this little blog is to rate and review the many RP's out on Acorn Rack. There are many RPs out there and obviously not all of them are as "user friendly" or as well thought out than others. In the blog posts following I would like to try to create some sense of order and review each site appropriately and give them a rating.

I'd like to personally say that I'm going to RATE sites, not rant on every little minute detail. I don't really care if you're using 12.375 font and I think it should be just 12. I don't care that your colors are cliche and have been used on every Dark RP out there, what works... works. Finally, I'm only generally going to write what I think is necessary (Unless I give a warning and feel bored at the time...) I'm not going to always say "Woo there are names on the member list!", everyone knows that! I want to provide good general criticism without harping on superficialities.

As for the rating system it will be a culmination of several factors and be done on a 10 point scale, with 1 being the absolute lowest, 5 being average, and 10 being the model of perfection people should model future RPs after. I reiterate, a score of 5 is not BAD nor GOOD, just average.. this isn't school grades we're talking about. Expect the majority to be 3-8's, with 1, 2, 9 and 10 being extreme outliers.

Every so often I shall institute a Score Review, at this time all sites rated prior to the date shall be re-looked over and their scores may have a possible revision. This is to ensure to get a more accurate score by eliminating any prejudice that may be had at the time or personal issues. Note that a Score Review is not a full review, so if there have been changes to the site it may not be noticed.

For the comments I include I would also like to point out that I will try to be brutally honest, beating around the bush is not my style and (generally...) I am not trying to be rude or mean-spirited or anything like that. Also the paradox which is reviewing, I will do my best to leave my opinions at the door (mouse click?) and review things only from a practical standpoint.

For now I (The Jello Emperor) am the only reviewer, but as time passes I hope to add others who will aid me in my quest to bring order to the chaos in Acorn Rack.

I've been personally involved in the RP scene for at least 10 years by creating, managing, and helping others on projects both in the times long ago on AvidGamers and now Acorn Rack.


I will try my best to be as comprehensive and thorough as possible. While I may not correct every spelling mistake, harp on grammar and whatnot, I shall try to do so as overall it adds professionalism to the site.

Also, if you are the owner of the site I review and feel that I need to re-review it (due to changes to the site feel free to contact me in someway.)

Contact Information:
AR2 Screenname: Jello Emperor
AR2 Forum Thread: AcornRack Link
AIM: TheJelloEmperor
MSN: TheJelloEmperor (at)
Yahoo: TheJelloEmperor
E-Mail: TheJelloEmperor (at)

At this point this is the only way to contact me, I will try to check on a daily basis however for messages.


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