Laurel Hills [2.6/10]


The next site on the list here is called Laurel Hills, a Fantasy/City RP. From what I've read on the AD it's a city RP (there's a nice picture for it also) but of course it's inhabited by Angels and Demons and other creatures and things. This is what looks to be a fairly new site but just as always I'll be nitpicking as much as I see fit.

First Impression:
There's white... ALOT of it... and the eyes, they hurt. The layout would be fine if the colors didn't clash so much, as I said before there's alot of white! The background behind the links at the bottom of the picture is black and the link are purple (after visiting them). Overall this leads to a not pleasant experience mostly because it feels like you're trying to squeeze everything in the middle. Actually the white background is okay, but the link color isn't. Also I'd like to point out that there is no way to get back to the index page other than the back button on the browser.

The Public Area:
Laws are generally okay, I'd like to see them individually spaced and also elaborate on the whole vampire with the singing blood... thing.

Species page, I'd like to see a link back to the species page on the individual race pages. In the Dragon page you list a "Worm" rank... do you mean "Wyrm" ? Overall I'd just like to see more information for each race, you talk about that singing blood thing for the vampires but don't expound on it any in it's page.

At this point I'm a bit confused, so explaining everything in more detail about the races and what each can do and such might be something to look into.

The Application:
There is a little bit before the actual application helping you along with the process and I have some nitpicks here. In the "Other", section of the text you say something about a special abilities page. I saw no page named Special Abilities unless I completely missed it.

The application is the norm, but I'd like to see a little more effort on the application. Drop-down selections instead of typing what you want, and things like that.

The Private Area:
Layout change! Better on the space side, but still not good with the colors, also the left column seems a bit cramped. The default avatar is not working, or isn't coded in which should be added in if you plan on having something like the avatar show up on login.

Aside from that there are no new pages or information.

Giant Text Wall, more so than most because it's black on white and the headers from each section are hard to distinguish. The descriptions of the forums are at least fine... but that's about it. Suggesting to add hotlinks to each of the sections, separating the sections a bit bold the headers, and maybe add a bit of color (grey even is fine) to offset the large amount of white just in the forum table.

Member list is... Odd to say the least, I'm not sure what else to put in there. It's just the avatar and the name in the center.

Profiles aren't filled out fully and the other person on the site hasn't even touched the actual profile page it looks like. At least the main admin put in a nice picture I can look at... *cough*

No posts at this time to base my opinion off of.

Rating: 2.6 out of 10 Points.

Why 2.6 you ask, well bascially because the plot is interesting enough to me to pass for some sort of decent roleplay. Otherwise the site as a whole looks unfinished and unpolished. Basically this site needs a good amount of work done. Also the layout is to squeezed in the middle for my tastes and should try expanding it a bit.

Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor


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