JACFC [9.3/10]



Just Another Chocolate Frog Card, or JACFC for short, (which I'm sure many are thankful for..) is a RP site in the realm of Harry Potter several centuries ahead of the canon storyline. The AD has all the needed information one would need for the site, including the rather humorous beginning:

"Your favorite Harry Potter character...

...IS DEAD. They died. And so did all their little friends and enemies. In fact, everyone died- and not a sad, dramatic way, either. Old age got most of them- that's what happens when the wizarding world has moved past Harry Potter's time by about five centuries."

That little thing right there already showed me that this site is going to be well worth any time I spend browsing the site for this review. Now prepare yourselves for my review and watch out for that flying chair! "Wingardium Levio-sa!" (Ahh crap! It's Levi-osa!)

First Impression:
Wow.... simply, Wow. I love the layout, everything is easily able to be read and if you don't like reading white on black well that's just fine because they put a brownish background on the text. This gives it a more scribed feel even though it's the same old text you're reading right now.

The Public Area:
Very nice, everything is all neatly organized . The rules pages is sectioned off into OOC and IC rules and at the bottom is where the application link is to facilitate some sense of actually reading the rules. There is also some more background information to facilitate the general mood of the site which explains some of the finer points of the site itself.

I have no other comments because the rest of the site is up to par with the rules and background information -- very high. However there is one thing I want to point out, the Student Ranks page is very detailed and appealing to the eye, however I wonder why this particular part isn't centered like all the other parts of the site? I took a quick peek at the source code and it doesn't seem that it would be too much hassle to center it.

Aside from that I have one more minor nitpick, the font, it's a bit small for me. That may be because of my screen resolution so this isn't anything major.

The Application:
The application for this site is more or less the general norm, asking for personality, history, etc. etc. Nothing major worth noting or any innovative things here.

The Private Area:
First thing I noticed about the layout, I found a chocolate frog! ..And it congratulated me! I am so special... *cough* . The second thing I noticed is that the layout is still as clean cut as the public area, it's different yet the majority of sites have the layout in this fashion. The Cbox is a staple in many sites now and this one is no exception, it fits nicely however the "Recent Threads" and "Who's Online" is under it so that makes it a bit out of the way. Looking at the layout though, there isn't much else they can put it since they use the space effectively.

As what seems to be the norm, the member pages are super secret information and I cannot access the wondrous info on Hogwarts and the like. However I'm sure the info is all very nicely organized...

Ah the forums, again what seems to be the page lengthener for all. There are a good amount of forums with decent descriptions, and these forums are divided up into categories. To facilitate quicker navigation, the site links to the sections which take you directly to that section BUT, the return link to the top (at the time of this writing) doesn't not work because somebody forgot to code out the anchor.

...Which I shall be pointing out on their Cbox so I assume it shall be fixed before anyone decides to actually read this...

Members Page:
Each member is given their own little stub which shows their avatar and some little bits of info. With the amount members they have however, efficiency trumps flashy things on a member list.

Member profiles I viewed were very nicely filled out with lots of information pertaining to their character. Even those who had not logged in seemed to have their profile nicely filled out, which means the applications are generally very good.

The roleplaying on the site is Intermediate to Advanced, generally leading towards the advanced side. As it states in the rules the RP is done is past tense, 3rd person with no unnecessary fluff.

Rating: 9.3 out of 10 Points.
(Note: As I was unable to view the private pages, this prevents the score from going any higher.)

This site is clearly one of the top RP sites I believe to be in existence, and there is no question as to why the site has so many members. When I first saw the site I was immediately enticed to join and that is one of the many things about it which earns this high rating. I expect this site to be one of the few and far between to get such a high rating.

This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!

Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor


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