Soulmate [8.3/10]


This next site here is called Soulmate, a City RP but with a twist of course... Soulmates. That's right, on the site there is our loveable friend Cupid, upon joining you gain a soulmate which of course you have to figure out yourself! You can't pay off Cupid... (Well, maybe candy would work?)

Anyway, the AD for the site is short and sweet. I read it over a few times and that's all it really needs, City RP with soulmate twist... no need for fancy plot stories or anything. It works well for this particular kind of site. But I digress, onto the actual review...

First Impression:
The layout is as sweet as candy... and I HATE CANDY!! Seriously though I quite like the layout, it portrays the overall image of the site quite nicely. Nowhere am I bogged down with details like where it's at or other random information aside from being welcomed with a synopsis of the site (which is again on the AD).

The Public Area:
The rules are divided into two sections, general rules and application rules. The general rules are commonplace on all sites but I specifically like the application rules. It defines what is acceptable in your application and what you shouldn't do.

Only one small minor nitpick for me: The use of curse words in the rules page, even if the site were to be rated mature, in the public area of the site things should be parentally friendly in my opinion.

Since this site is not an original idea of the current site owner it is also nice to see that they have given credit to the original author on the Credits page.

The Application:
There is a nice table at the top indicating what kind of characters are being accepted and this is where I have my first nipick. The sexual orientations listed are: Straight, Gay/Lesbian, and Bisexual. Though I understand the use of both terms, "gay" can be used to describe same sex relationships on both genders. Or simply just use Heterosexual and Homosexual in lieu of Straight and Gay/Lesbian.

The Private Area:
Layout change! It's subtle though so it's the same effect if having the same layouts, overall the look is nice.

There is a map of the city that they are currently in, and here is where I have my next nitpick. There are names of roads and certain notable locations, however not all of the streets are named. This would be initially fine except those same streets have named locations (Swifty's, Baxter Cinema, etc.) .

Site Awards, I like this idea. While initially I thought this was where they put all those lovely awards they get (from such esteemed people like myself.... *cough* ), but in actuality these are awards they give to the members of their site. Like how in your high school year book everyone voted for best dressed and such. This is basically the same thing as that, with those who've earned those awards getting customized pictures for them.

A good bit of forums on the site, all with detailed descriptions. And again it's time to put on the broken record... With all the forums the scroll bar suffers, while this is mitigated somewhat with the hotlinks to the sections (and subsequent 'Back to Top' links) since the forums are divided into sections the forums can be divided like such as well.

Again a small nitpick here, when you go into the forums to the individual topics. All the topics are in a red background which spans across the remainder of the page with the text in white. All that red hurts my eyes. Perhaps changing the red from spanning across the page to maybe 75 to 80 percent would offset this.

(Note: If you are looking at the site forums hover over the forum section title you are on, and then click! It changes!)

The member profiles are generally all filled out very nicely some with pictures some without but overall very nice. Here is where I'd like to point out the message alert, it's very nice. You'll always know when it's "Mail Time!" and won't be leaving message laying in your inbox for too long.

The roleplaying on this site I catagorize as Intermediate to Advanced from what I read. As the rules state, it is done in the 3rd person.

Rating: 8.3 out of 10 Points.

This City RP is definetly one of the better ones I've seen out there, with the soulmate twist it makes for a much more viable and long-lasting RP than those who simply go about daily life. The small little details for the site, such at the PM notification, and the forum headers changing fonts when clicked are nice bonuses. The site community also seems very nice when I was lurking about their Cbox, again overall very nice.

This Site has the Jello Seal of Approval!

Reviewed by: The Jello Emperor


Anonymous said...

I love Soulmate :3 It's smexy.

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